Tip Hofbräu München Freiluftkino Berlin Rehberge Start taz - die tageszeitung
Saisonstart 2025: 16. Mai
Werbung: Werbung Freiluftkino Rehberge

Freiluftkino Rehberge

1.500 Plätze unterm Sternenhimmel laden ein zum entspannten Filmvergnügen.

Achtung: In der Regel sind alle Filme in der deutschen Synchronfassung. Infos zu Ausnahmen und anderen Sprachfassungen neben dem Filmtitel oder unter der britischen Fahne

Attention: If not announced otherwise, all films are shown in German dubbed version. Exceptions are listed under the British flag button

5er/10er-Karten und Kinogutscheine

5er/10er-Karten können online und an der Kinokasse erworben werden. Kinogutscheine nur online.

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Freiluftkino Rehberge Bahnhof

U-Bahnhof Rehberge oder Afrikanische Strasse

Freiluftkino Rehberge Bahnhof
Kinokalender ABONNIEREN

Kalender abonnierenKeinen Film mehr verpassen: Abonnieren Sie den Kinokalender in Ihr Kalender-Programm, ob PC, Mac oder Mobil (iCal-Format). Kinokalender abonnieren (ab Mai!)

URL für Google-Kalender (Link kopieren und in Google-Kalender eingeben): URL

Your first time here?

You can find some details about our cinema at Cinema Info.

But here’s some basic information about how things work around here:

Most importantly: the screenings take place rain, hail or shine!

Doors and box office generally open 30 minutes before the movies start, or earlier if need be.

Freiluftkino Rehberge is located in the north of Berlin’s oldest Volkspark. The closest and easiest public transport connection is at “Rehberge” Ubahn station. If you go to “Kino Info” and scroll down to the “BVG” window, you can easily find out the best way to get here.

The open air theatre was constructed in the 1930s as an amphitheatre, and is hidden away behind tall spruce trees and exudes the old charm of 1950s operetta productions – though of course with the latest digital projection technology!
After entering the premises, you follow the long set of orange lights before arriving at rows of banks with backrests and an enormous, inflatable screen.
At the kiosk you can purchase popcorn, sausages, snacks and beverages at fair prices – all wheelchair accessible and with plenty of toilets.

You can buy your tickets online quickly and easily and at no extra cost, and show them at the entrance either as a smartphone ticket or as a print-out. Or you can use our efficient box office on the night.

There is no assigned seating.

We supply a large number of cushions, which you can collect from the central set of stairs. But sometimes all of them are in use, so we can’t guarantee that everybody will get a cushion. The cushions are all right, but if you have a blanket with you, you’ll probably be more comfortable. Please return your cushion after the screening. In the event of rain, cushions may not be handed out.

Woollen blankets: we don’t have any!
It’s a good idea to bring a blanket with you, or at least a warm jacket or whatever, even if the sun is shining when you arrive. We’re in Berlin, not so far from the North Pole.

We provide food and beverages at reasonable prices at the kiosk. Our motto here is: fair prices for everyone instead of crazy specials.
We can only provide this service if all our guests do their bit to keep the cinema clean. That means bringing back your rubbish, bottles and cushions after the screening. The collection areas are located at the top of the central stairs and at the exit.

We ask that smokers show consideration for the people around them, and to please refrain completely from smoking cigars and joints in the presence of other guests. Please use ashtrays at all times, which you can pick up from the ashtray station next to the central stairs, and then bring them back at the end. Of course you don’t have to empty and wash them, we’ll take care of that.

Particularly if you bring your own food with you to the cinema, we ask you to please clean up before you leave – that’s fair enough, right?

You can lock up your bike in the cinema. If the bike stands are all full, you can leave your bike on the path to to the audience area, inside the cinema. There is constant surveillance there, though we are unable to make any guarantees or take responsibility for damage or theft. Please make sure you don’t block any of the paths or emergency exits. Under no circumstances are bikes to be taken onto the top path or into the seated area.

Please respect our House Rules, which you can read here: House Rules.


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